At Octen Consultancy, we provide trainers to help Financial Advisers with the CMFAS training needs of their representatives.
CMFAS Training
As a result of the Financial Advisers Act, individuals providing financial advice today are required to pass specific Capital Markets and Financial Advisory Services (CMFAS) examinations stated under Notice No. FAA-N13. This includes passing specific modules such as Module 5 (Rules and Regulations for Financial Advisory Services), Module 9 (Life Insurance and Investment-Linked Policies) and Module 9A (Life Insurance and Investment-Linked Policies II) in order to provide advice on life insurance and Module 8 (Collective Investment Schemes), and Module 8A (Collective Investment Schemes II) for advice on collective investment schemes. In addition, if you want to advise on health insurance products, you will need to pass the health insurance module.
At Octen Consultancy, we offer training that will prepare your candidates for these examination requirements. Our trainings are highly customisable and can be tailored to fit the specific needs of your company.
Please click here to find out more about our CMFAS training.
Why Choose Us?
Providing quality training is a crucial factor for financial institutions to attract and retain top talent. At Octen Consultancy, we understand that traditional CMFAS training methods can be tedious and difficult to understand. That’s why we go above and beyond to design our training courses using real-life examples to make the material more engaging and relatable.
Our training will not only help your candidates pass their exams, but also provide them with a strong foundation for future learning. With our approach, candidates will have a better understanding and retention of the important concepts.
Contact Us For CMFAS Training
As a trusted training partner for major financial institutions in Singapore since 2010, we have the expertise to meet your company’s training needs. We are confident that our programs will deliver results and exceed your expectations.
Please click here to get in touch with us today to discuss how we can best serve your company’s training needs.